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Flom Motorsports Build Thread Part 9

End of year update for our RS3: offseason progress has been moving along.

The next set of wheels have been acquired, we ended up going with Titan7, but ended up choosing the T-R10, still in 18x10.7. They will be dropped off at a local paint & powder coating shop to get custom painted to match the car. Tires still need to be ordered, but we are waiting to hopefully hear back from a couple of tire sponsorship applications we put in. ARP head studs have been ordered, but are back ordered, so we’ll get those in eventually. We also have gotten Supertech valve springs and retainers. Since the head studs have been ordered, that means we have all the parts we need for the head of the engine build. Now we need to acquire the rods, pistons, gasket kit, and a few more small parts before we can decide on which low pressure fuel pump and turbo kit to go with.

The car has a set date in March to go to Fortune Auto for it’s custom coil overs, so we will have the new wheels and tires on by then, for ride height to be set.

We also pulled the trigger on an intake upgrade for the RS3 but is remaining a secret for now.

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